Have you ever wondered whether the Lord has a special place set aside for you to serve him? Have you considered whether your secular skills have a place in the building of God's kingdom? For many years I had pondered both these questions. I couldn't see how the skills I had built up during my many years in the Information Technology Industry could be of use to God but as is often the case, He had a plan.

GodZone, as an idea, began in 1995. We believe it to have been God inspired. The World Wide Web was starting to become popular and access to the Internet was available in many homes. The cost of professional web hosting and the lack of personal hosting services with the various New Zealand ISPs put the medium beyond the financial resources of a large proportion of the New Zealand Christian Community. By September 1996 GodZone, the concept, had begun to grow, by no means ready but definitely taking shape and developing a life of its own. In February 1997 GodZone, the ministry, was born. Over the next few months we worked hard to established an environment that would provide a professional service at the lowest cost we could achieve. By September 1998 GodZone had became GodZone Internet Services. We operate as a not-for-profit Christian Ministry.

It is our goal to provide the New Zealand Christian Community with a high quality, low cost, professional Internet service, where that service must be at least as good as any professional (not personal) service offered by any of the commercial ISPs.

We hope to encourage Christian Churches, Ministries, Christian Bands and Musicians, Para-Christian Organisations and others to give the Internet a try. We can provide an opportunity for them to see what this medium has to offer as another means of communication.

The Internet crosses political and geographic boundaries, it brings together a community that is in reality separated by thousands of kilometres.

At the end of the day, we believe that GodZone Internet Services is what God has called us to do.

"To help those wishing to use the Internet (World Wide Web) by helping them to develop and achieve their goals".

Yours in His service

Glen and Rosanne Eustace