GodZone Internet Services was established in 1996 to provide a professional, low cost alternative to the various commercial ISPs for Christian and Para-christian Ministries, Organisations, Churches. We have subsequently broadened our client base and now host domains, DNS, email and web sites for small businesses, schools, clubs and individuals.

We are a non-profit ministry and currently have only two part-time volunteer staff. Consequently, our ability to provide the level of direct support you would have a right to expect from a commercial ISP is limited. However, we do try hard to help our customers whenever we can.

We are unable to provide any form of guarantee with respect to the availability and support of our services and this may not be an asset to a commercial activity but please do not assume our services are unreliable. We pride ourselves in being able to offer high quality, feature rich, professional services at a low cost. We just do not have some of the resources available to our commercial counterparts.

We keep our costs low by contributing our time and skills to this ministry. We are more than happy to do this for our intended clientele but do not believe that we should subsidise any sigificant commercial enterprise.

We are happy to provide our Domain Name Service and Email hosting to all customers but reserve the right to decline to host a web site. Assessing a web site will take into account the following guidelines;

  1. is the content of the site likely to cause offence to any of our existing customers or members of the public.
  2. could the site place excessive demands on any of our resources i.e. servers, network bandwidth, support and technical assistance etc.
  3. is the site's principle purpose E-Commerce.
  4. would we be subsidising a significant commercial activity.

Should we decline to host a web site, that decision is not negotiable. If you have any doubts about your web site's suitability, please contact us. Discussing your web site's content and intent before you apply may make the difference. If we cannot provide a service, we may be able to suggest an appropriate commercial ISP.